Easily Track Student Clinical Experience
Ensure students are meeting clinical requirements through case logs, time logs, and much more.
Clinical Experience
By eliminating paper from the equation, eMedley PA streamlines the clinical logging process with features specific to your program. Cloud-based and accessible anywhere, it puts case logging, time tracking, and most importantly, incredible dashboards and reports in the hands of students, preceptors, and administrators whenever they need it.
Case Logs
Clinical Tracking
The Case Logs interface allows students to quickly input all of their patient’s information on any device at any moment. Furthermore, the fields can be customized to how your institution and clinical sites log patient information. General fields include:
Patient Demographics
Clinical Information
Preceptor Information
Procedures Performed
Setting Type
Reason For Visit

Time Logs
Time Tracking and Approval
Keep tabs on how much time students are spending at sites, with patients, and consulting with preceptors. Run reports on this data to gain an understanding of how clinical rotation time is being spent. Use these reports to ensure that students are getting the desired level of exposure to different aspects of the profession.
Clinical Activity Reports and Dashboards
Case Log Dashboard
View aggregate data from all case logs to understand how much time students are spending in certain treatment setting types or rotations, what the demographics of their patient populations are, the types of decision making they are doing, how involved they are, and much more. Filter by start date and end date, preceptor, student, or section for narrowed data.
Student Dashboard
View data from case logs by student, gaining an understanding of aggregate student experience or drilling down to focus on an individual student.
Diagnosis and Procedure Dashboard
Gain a better understanding of the number of case logs, specific diagnoses, and procedures that students are logging in the system. Filter by year, month, and/or day depending on desired specificity.
Case Logs Summary Report
This comprehensive report allows administrators to easily track student progress, performance, and experiences. Report includes details such as dates, student-related information (student, cohort, preceptor, etc.), patient-related information (age, gender, race, time with patient, reason for visit, diagnoses, procedures), competencies, and more.
Time Logs Report
See information for time logs to easily learn how much time students have spent at sites, with patients, and/or consulting with preceptors.
Ad-hoc Reporting
Retrieve a specific set of case logs or time logs using a wide range of filters, with the option to filter by up to 30 different variables.
Excited to learn more?
Find out how you can use eMedley PA to handle all didactic and clinical needs by streamlining and organizing program administration at every step.